Sunday 30 December 2012

Society & Justice

For a vulnerable society a tolerable justice is bearable. A society is a group of people from various classes. Hence the people are from various classes therefore justice gets tolerable.

The concept of moral rightness based on ethics and rationality is justice for the western people. Islamic Jurisprudence and its rules are the basics of a humble & a noble society but unfortunately it is in a phase of  redundancy.

It is much to our dismay that our societies are Non-Islamic & they are being happy to be Non-Islamic. Islamic society is a society where Islamic culture is dominant. Islamic Culture means the living style is as per the Sharia & it spreads brother hood. The prime example is of the Ansars of Madinah & the Migrants of Makkah. It is a guide line for us. How did they cope with the situation that time. That is the best of the best example how could an Islamic Society can be built.

Unfortunately, Islamic culture is restricted to the presence of Mosque in the society. Much to our dismay, the number of people to offer prayers is not encouraging. It is because of the western culture dominating our minds and inside of our society.

Justice is very important but it is pertinent to note that these days Justice is different for different people. Justice is divided in to groups like lower standard, Middle standard, Higher Standard, Religious Group, Anti Religious Community, Non-Religious Community. It is not the face of a peaceful society.

Communities make societies. Each and every community must respect the culture, background, religion and school of thought. There should be freedom to offer Religious activities in the society. Justice at the door step must be followed. 

But, It is like a dream of no destiny. A poorer becomes poorer and richer become richer. There is no uniform flow of wealth in the society. How can be justice provided at the door step? Who will bring such a change?

If one looks around the many religions of the world, their past, it would be very easy and very easy to say that Implement Islamic Sharia and the Society will become a Society of Justice. Islamic Sharia is equal for all. There is no one mightier than Law in Islam.

1 comment:

  1. Jazakumullah bil khair, I read it and read it again and than read it for third time, yes it is, as quoted by Islamic scholars that "Islam covers every aspect of our life cycle", for survival of any society justice is the key fundamental element to be existed for the development of various sectors attached,otherwise it will collapse and should become like Pakistan, where we have everything gifted by our LORD ALMIGHTY "ALLAH", but due to non availability of a justified societal structure the resources are circling just among the 22 ruling families. Basic and Very intellectual approach by the writer, keep it up.
