Saturday 29 December 2012

How Time Changes the Behaviors?

It is true that Change is a process, not an event. Many scholars have made different researches & came up with different opinions. Western research is based on the biased affects of drugs, abuses & smoking etc. Whereas Islamic point of research is widely different from theirs. Islam teaches the lesson of self belief. Islam is the total submission of the will to Almighty Allah and have belief that there is NO ONE BUT ALLAH ONLY & PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH.

Behavioral change is a process which is some what stimulated. A person is not always in the same frame of mood all the time. It is best to keep your emotions under your control. The people who control their emotions are successful than those who are irritated & cannot control their anger & emotions.

Emotions played vital role on behavior. Time is a big master. It teaches you everything you cannot even expect. The great poet Shakespeare sketched the whole life change of human in one of his poem & he stated the life as a stage. We all are actors & we play as time has made the script for us.

When we are kids, we like happiness always, we play, we run, we joy, we merry, we get sad but then get happy again. We at the beach make a house from sand and one wave of ocean comes and destroy our hand made sand house. But we do not get disappoint. We restart again. We never lose hope. We get dirty & don't even care about our clothes. This is the best phase of life.

Behavior changes, then we start getting emotions. We understand good & bad. But we are a bit selfish by not understanding the bad for us but always look for our good. We fight, we argue & we stand. WE LOVE ......! We get maniac easily ... We don't want to see any other face but only ONE ...!

Behavior changes, We start getting understand that life is not all about joy, fight, arguments but it is about considerable mutual understandings. We compromise, We love, We sacrifice.

Behavior changes, We start getting tougher. We don't let other understand us easily. We keep secrets. We keep our emotions under our control. We get wise, humble & attain patience.

Behavior changes, Once again, we look for others to love us, to care us, to ask us, to give attention. We turn child again. We cry in loneliness, we smile with little joys. We think life is all about little joys. We easily forget the mistakes. We want happiness.

Behavior changes & we are no more. We get buried.

"THIS IS LIFE" ... THIS IS CHANGE"   are we ready for it. Only good deeds can help us.

1 comment:

  1. very thoughtful and comprehensive as i found to get understand the life of a human being and the way to survive in the tides of life cycle; and Best of the best style is to live like a human as described by the "CREATOR" and explained by His messenger (S.A.W.W). Keep it up dear,
