Monday 31 December 2012

Why Happy New Year - 2013 .... ?

The term BC is short for "Before Christ." Historical dates before the birth of Christ become smaller as they approach the theoretical but non-existent Year Zero. Historical dates after the birth of Christ are classified as AD, short for the Latin phrase Anno Domini, or "in the year of our Lord." Contrary to popular belief, AD does not stand for "After Death." The BC/AD system for identifying historical dates has been in continuous use ever since the earliest part of the Middle Ages, at least.

Several centuries after the AD/BC identification of historical dates became popular, a new movement developed among scientists, historians and some religious leaders. The time following the birth of Christ was now referred to as the "Vulgar Era" in some circles. The meaning of the word vulgar actually meant 'common' at that time, not distasteful or obscene. Eventually many areas of the Western world adopted the less Christ-centered term "Common Era." Historical dates occurring before the year 1 CE would be considered BCE, short for "Before Common Era."

Supporters of the BCE/CE method of identifying historical dates say the removal of Christian references works as a bridge between different religions and cultures. The BC/AD system appears to endorse Jesus Christ as the superior world religious figure, which could be viewed as disrespectful of other religions and belief structures. Although the birth of Christ is still used as a reference in the BCE/CE system, the Christian influence is not as apparent.

The Gregorian calendar is the time table that is used today. This calendar is also known as the Solar Calendar. A Solar Year is 365.2 days in length. The present-day calendar has changed several times from the original calendar that it started out to be.

With Romulus as the leader of Rome, the days and the months of the Roman calendar were set by the cycles of the sun and the moon. At that time, a year was considered to be ten months in length. The new year began in the Spring on March 1 and ended in December.

Numa then succeeded Romulus as the new leader and introduced a new calendar which consisted of twelve months. This calendar ended in February. Years later the new year was changed from March first to January first which is when the civil year began. The days of the year numbered three hundred and sixty-five days.
Then, Julius Caesar, the famous Roman Emperor, entered the picture and he introduced the Julian calendar. This calendar began on January 1 in the year 45 B.C.

Finally, Pope Gregory XIII brought into being his own version of the Gregorian calendar in the year 1582, and that evolved into the calendar that we use today.

The days of the week were named as follows: Sunday was originally named afted the Sun; Monday was originallt named after the Moon and was called Moonday, which evolved into Monday over time. The next day was originally named Mars Day after the Roman warrior god, but was later changed to Tiu's Day for the Teutonic warrior god. It later evolved into Tuesday as we know it today. Wotan's Day was named for the Roman god of peace, but it was later changed to Woden's Day after a Teutonic god. This day later evolved into our present day called Wednesday. Notice how the "e" and the "n" somehow got transposed over the years. Thursday was originally called Jupiter's Day, named after the Roman god of thunder and lightning. It later got changed to Thor's Day, named after the ancient god of thunder. Finally, it evolved into its present-day name. Venus' Day was the fifth day of the week, named after the Roman goddess who symbolized Spring. This name was changed to Frigg's Day after the Scandinavian Love goddess. The name finally evolved into Friday. Saturday has hardly been changed as it began as Saturn's Day, named after the Roman god of the harvest. Of course, it evolved over the years into our modern day Saturday.

The names of the months of the Gregorian calendar were derived from the names of the Julian calendar, and are as follows: January originally came from Janus, the god of beginnings. February came from a feast which was called Februa. The name March was named after Mars, the god of war. April came from the name of the Greek goddess named Aphrodite. May's name originated from the name of another goddess known as Maia. June got its name from the anicent goddess named Juno. July and August, of course, were named after Julius Caesar and his successor to the throne, Augustus. And, the final four months of the year got their names from their numerical placement in the year. As you can see, the names of the months evolved over time into their present-day names.

Now being Muslims & having faith in the teachings of Islam & Muhammad (S.A.W), our beleif about the Prophet Esa (A.S), should we celebrate NEW YEAR ???????
Why are we so ignorant? Why are we doing so? What has happened to us? Where is our glory?
Our glory lies with in us. With in our beliefs as Muslims, as Momins as the firm beleivers of the teachings of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) & the Glorious Quran.

Let's not celebrate the beginning of New Gregorian Year but we should adopt our Calendar, Our Islamic Calendar that starts from 1st Muharram.

How to make an impressive Professional Resume?

Resume making is an Art. If your resume is not Professional it'll not impress the Employer/Hiring Agency & won't get a glance for selection.

Very often, People (from Pakistan especially) when move to GCC for Jobs, their Resumes get rejected & they find it very hard to find a good job. I point some important mistakes in Resume making & guide you how it should be avoided:

1. The most common mistake is ignoring Grammatical & Spelling errors. These mistakes greatly affect your resume. So, the first step should be to remove Grammatical & Spelling mistakes.

2. A boring list of duties & responsibilities should be avoided. Make your job description detailed & with relevant examples.

3. The common mistake the people making while building a resume is of putting "OBJECTIVE" statement. Like ... "A challenging opportunity enabling me to contribute to achieve organizational goals".
Remember, it'll lose the reader in the beginning. It makes the resume too general & overused. If you are on a Career Track, replace the resume objective with a tagline stating what you do or your expertise.

4. Often people give suggestion to shorten the resume and make it ONE PAGE. There is no such restriction to resume length. By doing so you may lose impressive achievements. Remember, every word of your resume should sell you.

5. Always write your resume in Telegraphic style and it should be concise. Resume is a form of Business Communication. Avoid use of Personal Pronouns & Articles. For Example, "I achieved 20% market growth rate by using modern business techniques". Replace it as:

"Achieved 20% market growth rate by using modern business techniques".

6. Use modified Chronological format:
a. Header (Name, Age, Nationality, Visa Status, Address, Email, Cell Phone No.)
b. Lead with a strong Profile Section detailing the scope of your experience and areas of proficiency.
c. Reverse Chronological Employment History.
d. Education (Starts from Most recent One)
c. Exclude things like Father Name, Marital Status, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Hobbies list.

7. An important tool of resume is making a Career Summary. The Career Summary should demonstrate the skills level and experiences directly related to the position sought.

8. Sprinkle Keywords throughout your resume. Always determine Keywords by reading Job Description that interest you and include the words you see repeatedly in your resume.

9. Putting a reference is important. Reference may be Personal & Professional. Use this statement to signal the end of a long resume.

10. One typo can lead your resume to garbage. Proofread and show your resume to your friends to have them proofread it as well.


                     Remember, this document is a reflection of you, so it should be PERFECT.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Improper Recruitment

Improper Recruitment is a dilemma that can't be easily understood. In Pakistan this is in practice widely. A person who deserves to be on a position is not able even to think about that. I thought it happens in Pakistan only, but, now as I'm working in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, this is in practice even here as well. I have observed so many companies who are recruiting people though agents. For a successful business the workforce should have the ability to cope with different situations. Developing a strong roster, a strong recruitment policy needs to be adapted. Paying a huge amount to the agent with a commission so the person is selected, it should be stopped. Governments should do accountability of such agents. In their offices, they do not have the qualified staff to evaluate the CVs, to analyze Job Description for an employee. There should be a proper check and balance on them as well. Much to the dismay, the Pakistan Foreign Consulate, also discourage people when they approach and ask for help about the breach of the Contract. Under Paying is a normal practice.

Routine evaluation of the methods, procedures and strategies used in retaining new employees and selecting employees for advancement can improve employee retention and the quality of interview candidates. The best evaluation methods identify successful processes that can be enhanced and ineffective processes that need modifications.

Every individual must understand the value of HR. Being ignorant of its effectiveness, people back home suffers by the hands of such selfish agents.

Like all other subjects, HR must be included in the text and be taught at the secondary level.

Society & Justice

For a vulnerable society a tolerable justice is bearable. A society is a group of people from various classes. Hence the people are from various classes therefore justice gets tolerable.

The concept of moral rightness based on ethics and rationality is justice for the western people. Islamic Jurisprudence and its rules are the basics of a humble & a noble society but unfortunately it is in a phase of  redundancy.

It is much to our dismay that our societies are Non-Islamic & they are being happy to be Non-Islamic. Islamic society is a society where Islamic culture is dominant. Islamic Culture means the living style is as per the Sharia & it spreads brother hood. The prime example is of the Ansars of Madinah & the Migrants of Makkah. It is a guide line for us. How did they cope with the situation that time. That is the best of the best example how could an Islamic Society can be built.

Unfortunately, Islamic culture is restricted to the presence of Mosque in the society. Much to our dismay, the number of people to offer prayers is not encouraging. It is because of the western culture dominating our minds and inside of our society.

Justice is very important but it is pertinent to note that these days Justice is different for different people. Justice is divided in to groups like lower standard, Middle standard, Higher Standard, Religious Group, Anti Religious Community, Non-Religious Community. It is not the face of a peaceful society.

Communities make societies. Each and every community must respect the culture, background, religion and school of thought. There should be freedom to offer Religious activities in the society. Justice at the door step must be followed. 

But, It is like a dream of no destiny. A poorer becomes poorer and richer become richer. There is no uniform flow of wealth in the society. How can be justice provided at the door step? Who will bring such a change?

If one looks around the many religions of the world, their past, it would be very easy and very easy to say that Implement Islamic Sharia and the Society will become a Society of Justice. Islamic Sharia is equal for all. There is no one mightier than Law in Islam.

Saturday 29 December 2012

How Time Changes the Behaviors?

It is true that Change is a process, not an event. Many scholars have made different researches & came up with different opinions. Western research is based on the biased affects of drugs, abuses & smoking etc. Whereas Islamic point of research is widely different from theirs. Islam teaches the lesson of self belief. Islam is the total submission of the will to Almighty Allah and have belief that there is NO ONE BUT ALLAH ONLY & PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH.

Behavioral change is a process which is some what stimulated. A person is not always in the same frame of mood all the time. It is best to keep your emotions under your control. The people who control their emotions are successful than those who are irritated & cannot control their anger & emotions.

Emotions played vital role on behavior. Time is a big master. It teaches you everything you cannot even expect. The great poet Shakespeare sketched the whole life change of human in one of his poem & he stated the life as a stage. We all are actors & we play as time has made the script for us.

When we are kids, we like happiness always, we play, we run, we joy, we merry, we get sad but then get happy again. We at the beach make a house from sand and one wave of ocean comes and destroy our hand made sand house. But we do not get disappoint. We restart again. We never lose hope. We get dirty & don't even care about our clothes. This is the best phase of life.

Behavior changes, then we start getting emotions. We understand good & bad. But we are a bit selfish by not understanding the bad for us but always look for our good. We fight, we argue & we stand. WE LOVE ......! We get maniac easily ... We don't want to see any other face but only ONE ...!

Behavior changes, We start getting understand that life is not all about joy, fight, arguments but it is about considerable mutual understandings. We compromise, We love, We sacrifice.

Behavior changes, We start getting tougher. We don't let other understand us easily. We keep secrets. We keep our emotions under our control. We get wise, humble & attain patience.

Behavior changes, Once again, we look for others to love us, to care us, to ask us, to give attention. We turn child again. We cry in loneliness, we smile with little joys. We think life is all about little joys. We easily forget the mistakes. We want happiness.

Behavior changes & we are no more. We get buried.

"THIS IS LIFE" ... THIS IS CHANGE"   are we ready for it. Only good deeds can help us.