Sunday 6 January 2013

Syria is Bleeding, Islam is Bleeding ......!!!!!!!!

Islam in Syria comprises 87% of the total population. Sunnis make up 74% of the total, mostly of Arab, Kurdish and Turkish ethnicities. Shia's make up the remaining 13%: Alawites are the predominant Shia group, followed by Twelvers and Ismailis. Sunnis are mainly of the Shafi'i madhhab with pockets of Hanafi and Hanbali. Several large Sufi orders are active in the country, including the Naqshbandi tariqa, and Qadiriyya. Although not traditionally considered as Muslims, the Druze make up 3% of the total population.
In March 1963 a military coup installed a secular, Baath socialist regime dominated by minority sects. 

In 1970, an Alawi ruler, Hafez al-Assad, seized the presidency (he was succeeded by his son, Bashar al-Asad, in 2000).

The most intractable challenge to Baathist rule has come from Sunni Islamic groups, most notably, the Muslim Brotherhood. The first Islamic uprising was in 1964 in Hama; other such sectarian disturbances followed in 1967, 1973 and from 1976-85

The most notable effect on Syria's religious balance has been the increased size of the resident Twelver Shia community in Syria, which was previously minimal.

Alawism is an offshoot of the Twelver Shia Islam and constitute the second largest Islamic sect in Syria and are mainly located in northern Syria.

What is happening in Syria? Who is responsible for all this? What is the game behind this? Thousands of Muslims are martyred but the so called U.N is only giving warnings to the Syrian Government since March 2011.
It all started when Government of Syria arrested kids for writing Anti-Government slogans on the walls. Then when the protestors were protesting peacefully they opened fire on them and when the mourning started they opened fire on them as well.
Why U.N is not acting like it acted in Lybia? Why Iran is silent? Why Kindgom of Saudi Arabia is coming forward? Sunni Muslims are dying. Their homes have been destroyed. What was their mistake? Only that they born in Syria.

Please wake up, Syria will be the last battlefield for Muslims. Syria is bleeding ... Islam is bleeding. 

Please wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jazakumullah bil Khair wal aafiyya, Excellent work done for research and comprising of such important data which really clarified the true ongoing picture of the Syria, the Capital of Hazart Imam Mehdi (R.A), May Allah returns the best of His rewards for all such kind of efforts anyone doing in the world, Wassalaam
