Sunday 13 January 2013

Attack on Hijab ....... Attack on Islam

Hijab is not a dress, it is a complete code of Islamic Sharia. Hijab means to Cover. Hijab is the principle of respect & dignity for women in Islam.

A Muslim woman, who is Independent not a Slave, Mature or going to Mature, Elder or Younger must do hijab from strangers. Hijab can be classified in to three categories:

1. Lowest form of Hijab: To cover the whole body except face and palms of hands and feet is the lowest form of hijab.

2. Middle form of Hijab: To cover that whole body i.e use of Burqa is the middle form of hijab.

3. Highest form of Hijab: That a woman is behind the wall/door/cover and strangers cannot even see her shade of clothes, is the highest form of hijab.

Glorious Quran & Hadiths clearly state that a Muslim woman as described above must do hijab.

If a Christian Nun covers her body, it is their religious culture & right and is respected but if a Muslim woman follows Islam even the lowest form of hijab, it is questioned. Why?????

In most European countries they are making laws against Hijab. What are they afraid of?

Muslim Woman in Hijab

(Christian Nun in Hijab)


  1. Hijab is must in Islam it is the weapon of a muslim women against the evils, Europeans thy are just barking, we have to fallow the Golden rules of Islam.

  2. In addition to the special dress worn by woman while moving outside her home - as we will explain later on - Islam also uses the term sitir (screen) for this action.

    Islam made it obligatory for both men and women to cast down their eyes for others than their wives, husband or harem. On one hand, Islam makes it obligatory for woman to wear hijab, on the other hand, it imposes certain obligations for men too.

    If a special dress is limited for woman to hide the fascinations (beauties) of her body; on the other side it also imposes that men lower their eyes to women others than their mahram women in addition to guarding their private parts.

    In agreement with this new use of the word hijab as a definition within and Islamic context, it is correct for us to say: Islamic veil includes both men and women; but its essence differs in the form that preserves morals, protects virtue and respects woman in daily life. Islam has nothing to do with imprisonment, or preventing woman from exercising her natural right and there is no insult or degradation for woman in its criteria and schemes. It is honor for Islam that the establishment of its civilized practice was a conviction for the end of the movement of exploitation and enslavement which was practised by men against women in the period of Jahiliyah, which blackened the history of man before the rising of the blessed mission of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

    The Islamic hijab is defined briefly as the shape of a modest dress in addition to the limitation of the relation between men and women other than the non-mahram (one who is marriageable) women and placing her in a pure legal frame entwined with chastity, respect and giving rights.

  3. Islam makes life simple for us and simplicity leads to purity and purity leads to ALLAH Subhanhu Wa Taala
