Saturday 21 September 2013

Fake or Real !!

Our world is full of uncertainty & in this modern age when there are so many sources of information yet the information seems to be fugitive & non proved. Islamic civilization is the world's most advance and civilized civilization.
The history is full of informations about the Rise & fall of Moors. The reasons behind the rise are very clear as well as the fall. One must understand that self protection is not enough to save a society or nation but in fact it needs a collective effort and such efforts bring revolutions.

Muslim countries are more in numbers than Non-Muslim countries. Some Muslim countries are richer than many of the Non-Muslim countries. They are so rich that they can take along the fellow Muslim countries with them & rely less on aids from outside. But unfortunately this is not happening!


Because there is no Khilafat. The main core of the Muslim rule over the world. As a result of long running conspiracy & efforts, Muslims are demoralized that when Khilafat came to an end it was welcome.
The saddest day for the Muslim Ummah.

Some unidentified people attacked World Trade Centre and it changed the course of the whole World. It was related to Muslim with out any proper evidence and a new chapter of Saleebi battles started.
U.S.A invaded Iraq & martyred millions of Muslims, they invaded Afghanistan and martyred Millions of Muslims, they funded rebels in Libya & conqured, they funded rebels in Bahrain, Marakash & Egypt and started acting on the plan of "NEW WORLD ORDER". They are demoralizing Pakistan, its people and its economy. Yet Many Muslim countries are proudly saying we are in good terms with USA & is our best friend.

Why Muslim Ummah is not understanding the fact that they are not our friends.Why they only invaded Islamic Countries, why they provide funds to the rebels in Islamic countries?

What is the interest of U.S.A in Somalia, Nigeria & Sudan?? Why they are funding the rebels there? Why they are promoting violence there?

"OIL" & only "OIL" ... the treasure inside the earth ...

Syria is bleeding, Sunni ummah is in majority yet they are ruled by Alavati President. Why?
Why no Sunni is allowed to have National Assembly membership in Iran & one can see jews there? why?

If someone destroy our home and we'll welcome ... "isn't it rubbish" ... of course we'll reply as harsh as we can to defend our home, our family our religion. This is what Syrian Sunni Muslims are doing and fighting for defending & protecting yourself is terrorism ... "isn't it rubbish"!

Who can forget Bosnia! When the U.N handed over the Bosnian Muslims to the killers ..

Kashmir is bleeding since 50 years long ... why U.S.A is not attacking Indian Held Kashmir? The so called Saviors of PEACE (U.S.A) and the (United Nations) are not seeing what is happening in Kashmir!!!!

I really think that the world we are living in is REAL or FAKE ...!!! When I see my Msulim brothers & sisters accepting martyrdom, I ask Allah "O' ALLAH, Please! how long more will we suffer, kindly send some one who can drag us out of this and guide us on the real path that we have forgotten".

Hope never dies and we should be hopeful that sooner or later this will come to an end and WE'LL RISE AGAIN .. AS ONE NATION, ONE COMMUNITY that firmly believe in "ONE ALLAH, ONE RASOOL (S.A.W) & ONE QURAN"

In Sha Allah.....